Building a Resilient Future for All: Infrastructure Predevelopment with Shalini Vajjhala. (Aug 01, 2023)
Building a Resilient Future for All: Infrastructure Predevelopment with Shalini Vajjhala. (Aug 01, 2023)
Hearing on the Economic Impact of Climate Change (Aug 04, 2022)
$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill (Nov 07, 2021)
Rebuilding Community: How to Come Back Stronger After the Great Resignation (May 03, 2022)
Infrastructure Is the New Black (Jun 03, 2021)
Ensuring a Resilient Future (Apr 22, 2021)
Texas Coastal Spine (Apr 07, 2021)
Finance Perspectives on Climate and Infrastructure (Mar 03, 2021)
A conversation about climate change mitigation and resilience (Mar 02, 2021)
Public infrastructure for an equitable future View Details (Oct 13, 2020)